The Midlothian Civic Center may not bring up much on a Google search, but it has been a community staple since its inception in 1958. It was built for the community and by the community, using recycled bricks from an old school building down the street that was being torn down.
The Civic Center Board purchased the bricks for a single dollar from the city and then went to work reclaiming them. Every evening, families would gather to sift through the usable bricks, cleaning them and setting them aside to build something magnificent from the rubble.
Through the years, endless throngs of people have made their way through the old doors of the Civic Center, coming together with loved ones for reunions, weddings, receptions, anniversaries, retirement parties, birthday parties and baby showers. It was home to many proms and 8th grade graduation dances. It served as the meeting place for the Midlothian Home Economics Club from the 1950’s through the 1980’s. Currently, along with the community rentals, the Girl Scouts, the Rotary Club, the Chris Kyle Post 388 of the American Legion, and the Lion’s Club are just a few of the organizations that utilize the Civic Center on a weekly and monthly basis. This building has seen nearly every face of our tiny town as it has evolved and has been a memory for them all.
As of 2014, it has been remodeled and given new life to serve our community for years to come.
To rent the Civic Center or billboard space, please contact 972-775-8866.